Return Policy
We have a 28 day return policy. To be eligible for a refund, please return the item to us in its original condition, unused and in its original packaging within 28 days of receipt in order to receive a full refund excluding original delivery fees.
Unfortunately we can't offer you a refund or exchange if the 28 days time period has passed. We aim to process refunds within 14 working days of receiving the item back. Please note that the customer is responsible for the cost of returning an unwanted item and returning to us safely in it's original condition. We cannot offer a refund if the product gets damaged during transit/shipping. It is customer responsibility to make sure the package is packed securely.
What is the returns address?
37 Running Foxes Lane,
Ashford, TN23 5LP, United Kingdom
How do I arrange a return if I live outside the UK Mainland?
If you wish to return an item from outside the UK Mainland, please email our customer services team at who can assist with this. We don't cover return cost for any orders delivered outside UK mainland. Buyer is responsible for covering the cost to return the item to us regardless of any reason for return.
What if I change my mind about my order or I ordered the wrong product?
You can send it back to us no problem! Make sure when shipping the product back that it is securely packaged. If damage happens during transit, your refund may not be accepted. Unfortunately the return postage cost is the sole responsibility of the customer and this will not be refunded in this case either. This includes cases where the shipping was free at checkout. The actual cost we paid to cover your shipping will also be deducted from your refund. In the case where you request us to provide a return label, this cost will also be deducted from the refund total.
When will I get my refund once I return my order?
Once we receive your order back and if the refund request is approved, it usually takes 1-3 days to be processed and a further 1-2 days after this to appear in your bank account, between countries in the EU and UK. Usually it is less time than this, however we cannot guarantee it. This time can vary a lot depending on your bank and other circumstances. It usually takes around 2-5 working days for an international payment to clear, but it can in some cases take longer. Email us at if you’re concerned and we will do our best to assist you.